Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes the information that we gather on or through the Service, how we use and disclose such information, and the steps we take to protect such information.


Booking means a combination of the User’s actions, as a result of which the User generates and submits an order for accommodation and other services available on the Website. Provision of the Personal Data by the User is a necessary and crucial condition for making a valid Booking. “Booking” can also be referred to an order for accommodation completed by the User through the Service.

Personal Account means a section of the Website for registered Users, containing the Booking managing tools.

Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, which makes possible to determine the User’s identity. Such information may also include data about other people the User makes Bookings for.

Service means a multifunctional information technological online hotel and other travel services booking platform available on the Website, including versions and modifications designed for mobile devices, and all related web sites, downloadable software, mobile applications (including tablet applications), and other services provided by us or our partners and on which a link to this Policy is displayed. The User is granted access to the Service under the terms of a free, simple and non-exclusive license.

User means a capable individual over 18 years of age, who is visiting the Website and/or uses the Service, or a person for whom the Booking is made on the Website. “User” can also be referred to an authorized representative of a legal entity or any other organization.

The Information We Collect on the Service

We collect different types of information from or through the Service. The legal bases for TRAVDEELZ processing of Personal Data are primarily that the processing is necessary for providing the booking services, and that the processing is carried out IN TRAVDEELZ legitimate interests, which are further explained in the section “How We Use the Information We Collect”. We may also process other data upon the User’s consent, asking for it as appropriate.

User-provided Information

When the Service is used, User may provide, and we may collect, some of the User’s Personal Data. Examples of Personal Data include the User’s name, surname, passport details, residency, email address, mailing address, mobile phone number, cookie files, and credit card or other billing information. Personal Data also includes other information, such as geographic area or preferences, when any such information is linked to information that identifies a specific individual. User provides us with Personal Data in various ways on the Service. For example, we may collect a User’s Personal Data when User registers for a Personal Account, uses the Service, or sends us customer service-related requests.

Automatically Collected Information

When the User uses the Service, we may automatically record certain information from the User’s device by using various types of technology, including cookies, “clear gifs" or “web beacons.” This “automatically collected” information may include IP address or other device address or ID, web browser and/or device type, the web pages or sites visited just before or just after using the Service, the pages or other content the User views or interacts with on the Service, and the dates and times of the visit, access, or use of the Service. We also may use these technologies to collect information regarding the User’s interaction with email messages, such as whether the User opens, clicks on, or forwards a message.

Integrated Services

User may be given the option to access or register for the Service through the use of a User’s name and passwords for certain services provided by third parties (each, an “Integrated Service”), such as through the use of the User’s Facebook account, or otherwise have the option to authorize an Integrated Service to provide Personal Data or other information to us. By authorizing us to connect with an Integrated Service, the User authorizes us to access and store his/her name, surname, email address(es), date of birth, gender, current city, profile picture URL, and other information that the Integrated Service makes available to us, and to use and disclose it in accordance with this Policy. The User should check his/her privacy settings on each Integrated Service to understand what information that Integrated Service makes available to us, and make changes as appropriate. Please review each Integrated Service’s terms of use and privacy policies carefully before using their services and connecting to our Service.

Information from Other Sources

We may obtain information, including Personal Data, from third parties and sources other than the Service, such as our partners, advertisers, credit rating agencies, and Integrated Services. If we combine or associate information from other sources with Personal Data that we collect through the Service, we will treat the combined information as Personal Data in accordance with this Policy.

Personal Information the User Gives Us About Others

Of course, the User might not simply be booking accommodation and other travel services for him/her-self. The User may be travelling with other guests whose details the User provides as part of the Booking, or the User may make a Booking on behalf of someone else. At this point we have to point out that it’s the User’s responsibility to ensure that the person or people the User has provided personal information about are aware that the User’s done so, have given their consent, and have accepted this Policy.

Payment Information

Such as name, billing address, account number, and payment card details (including card number, expiration date, and security code) for payments processed by us. To the extent any payments are processed by any other third parties such as PayPal or Apple Pay, then the privacy policies of those parties shall govern such information.

How We Use the Information We Collect

We use the information that we collect in a variety of ways in providing the Service and operating our business, including the following:

  • General Use. We use Personal Data and other information collected through the Service to (a) register the User with the Website and create a Personal Account, (b) provide the User with the requested services (mainly to process and confirm the User’s reservation with the accommodation provider or other supplier) (c) provide the User with information about our services on the Website or on other websites and to communicate with the User (including by post-booking chat support) to the extent necessary to provide such requested services, (d) build features that will make the services available on the Website easier to use, (e) conduct surveys, (f) for an improved user experience, internal training and general optimization purposes, (g) for the detection and prevention of fraud and other illegal or unwanted activities or (h) contact the User in case there is any issue with his/her Booking. This includes faster purchase requests, better customer support and timely notice of new services and special offers.
  • Operations. We use the information to operate, maintain, enhance and provide all features of the Service, to provide the services and information that the User requests, to respond to comments and questions, to resolve any incidents and to provide support to the User of the Service.
  • Improvements. We use the information to understand and analyze the usage trends and preferences of our Users, to improve the Service, and to develop new products, services, feature, and functionality. Should this purpose require Travdeelz to process Personal Data, then the data will only be used in anonymized or aggregated form.
  • Marketing Activities & Reminders. We also use the User’s information for marketing activities, as permitted by law. For example: when the User makes a Booking with us, sets up a Personal Account, completes or enters details into a booking form, or provides us with his/her contact details we may use the User’s contact information to send the User news of products and services relevant and useful for travelers. With the User’s consent – if consent is required under local law – we may also send the User other regular newsletters by email. The User can opt out, or unsubscribe, from marketing communications at any time using the “Unsubscribe”. Based on the information the User shares with us, individualized offers may be shown to him/her on the Website, in mobile apps or on third-party websites, including social media sites. These might be offers that the User can book directly on the Website, or third-party offers or products we think the User might find interesting.

      Data Sharing and Third-Party Services

      The Service may contain features or links to web sites and services provided by third parties.

      We may disclose your PII to companies affiliated with Roundtrip, non-Roundtrip companies or other third parties for purposes such as:

      • Complying with court orders and other legal processes;
      • To assist with identity verification, and to prevent fraud and identity theft;
      • Enforcing our agreements and property rights;
      • Assisting us in providing you with our services.

      When you complete a purchase on our Website, App or Service, we share your submitted shipping address and phone number for shipping purposes only. This information is shared with the entities fulfilling and shipping your order, such as the merchant and the shipping provider.

      Third Parties

      We also share PII with third parties such as web hosting companies, payment processors and fraud prevention partners, marketing partners, and customer support systems providers.

      In addition, we transfer data to companies belonging to our group of companies in order to provide the booking service:

      We also cooperate with service providers that allow us to provide a support service.

      Please note that the operations of the companies mentioned in this Privacy Policy are subject to their own terms of service and privacy policies, as well as applicable laws and international standards. If applicable, your account preferences on the relevant platforms may also apply. Any service providers we work with are required to comply with our data privacy and security requirements. They are not allowed to use your Personal Data for any purpose other than those specified in this Privacy Policy. We require all companies, including those that act on our behalf, to protect any Personal Data they receive in compliance with this Privacy Policy. We strictly prohibit them from using your Personal Data for any purpose other than those specified in this Privacy Policy.


      In our Customer Support services on the Website we use the services of the mentioned third parties which may incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies support to enhance the efficiency and responsiveness of our services. These AI features may include, but are not limited to, chatbots and natural language processing tools designed to assist in handling inquiries, providing automated responses, and directing queries to the appropriate human support team members. AI incorporated in our Customer Support chat, does not collect any of the personal data on the basis of Zero Data retention Policy, your Personal Data will not be used to train AI in any case.

      When your data is transferred to third-party service providers, we establish and implement appropriate measures to ensure its security.

      Additional Information

      We may also provide aggregated or anonymized data to third parties if it does not personally identify you. This is subject to applicable legislation and international standards, including the legislation of the Republic of India.

      Any information the User provides on third-party sites or services is provided directly to the operators of such services and is subject to those operators’ policies, if any, governing privacy and security, even if accessed through the Service. We are not responsible for the content or privacy and security practices and policies of third-party sites or services to which links or access are provided through the Service. We encourage the User to learn about third parties’ privacy and security policies before providing them with information.

      Interest-Based Advertising

      Interest based advertising is the collection of data from different sources and across different platforms in order to predict an individual’s preferences or interest and to deliver to that individual, or his/her computer, smart phone or tablet, advertising based on his/her assumed preference or interest inferred from the collection of data pertaining to that individual or others who may have a similar profile or similar interests.

      We work with a variety of third parties to attempt to understand the profiles of the individuals who are most likely to be interested in Travdeelz products or services so that we can send them promotional emails, or serve our advertisements to them on the websites and mobile apps of other entities.

      These third parties include: (a) advertising networks, which collect information about a person’s interests when that person views or interacts with one of their advertisements; (2) attribution partners, which measure the effectiveness of certain advertisements; and (3) business partners, which collect information when a person views or interacts with one of their advertisements.

      In collaboration with these third parties, we collect information about our customers, prospects and other individuals over time and across different platforms when they use these platforms or interact with them. Individuals may submit information directly on the Websites or on platforms run by third parties, or by interacting with us, our advertisements, or emails they receive from us or from third parties. We may use special tools that are commonly used for this purpose, such as cookies, beacons, pixels, tags, mobile advertising IDs, flash cookies, and similar technologies. We may have access to databases of information collected by our business partners.

      The information we or third party collect enables us to learn what purchases the person made, what ads or content the person sees, on which ads or links the person clicks, and other actions that the person takes on our Sites, or in response to our emails, or when visiting or using third parties’ platforms.

      We, or the third parties with which we work, use the information collected as described above to understand the various activities and behaviors of our customers, the Website visitors and others. We, or these third parties, do this for many reasons, including: to recognize new or past visitors to our Sites; to present more personalized content; to provide more useful and relevant ads - for example, if we know what ads the User is shown we can try not to show him/her the same ones repeatedly; to identify visitors across devices, sales channels, third party websites, or to display or send personalized or targeted ads and other custom content that is more focused on a person’s perceived interest in products or services similar to those that we offer.

      Our interest-based ads may be served to the User in emails or on third-party platforms. We may serve these ads about our products or services or send commercial communications directly ourselves or through these third parties.

      More on Cookies

      7.1 A cookie is a small amount of data that is placed in the browser of the User’s computer or on his/her mobile device. So-called “first party cookies” (not as much fun as they sound) are cookies which are served by the entity operating the domain through which the cookie is served. Travdeelz own cookies are therefore “first party cookies”. In case we allow others to service cookies through the Service, these cookies are so-called “third party cookies”.

      Next to cookies, other tracking technologies are used which are similar to cookies. These can include web beacons (also known as pixel tags, web bugs or gifs), tracking URLs or software development kits (SDKs). A web beacon is a tiny graphic image of just one pixel that can be delivered to the User’s computer as part of a web page request, in an app, in an advertisement or in an HTML email message. Pixels can be used to retrieve information from the User’s device, such as the device type or operating system, IP address, and time of visit. They are also used to serve and read cookies in the browser. Tracking URLs are used to understand from which referring website the Service is used. SDKs are small pieces of code included in apps, which function like cookies and web beacons. All these technologies are hereinafter together referred to in this section as “Cookies”.

      7.2 The Following Types of Cookies Are Used on the Website.

      Technical Cookies. We try to give our visitors an advanced, user-friendly website and apps that adapt automatically to their needs and wishes. To achieve this, we use Technical Cookies to show the User the Service, to make them function correctly, to create the User account, to sign the User in and to manage Bookings. These Technical Cookies are absolutely necessary for the Service to function properly.

      Functional Cookies. We also use Functional Cookies to remember the User’s preferences and to help the User to use the Service efficiently and effectively. For example, these Cookies remember the User’s preferred currency, language, the User’s searches and the User’s previously viewed travel services. We may also use Cookies to remember the User’s registration information so that the User doesn’t have to retype his/her login credentials each time he/she visits our site. The User’s password will, however, always be encrypted. These Functional Cookies are not strictly necessary for the functioning of the Service, but they add functionality and enhance user experience.

      Analytics Cookies. We use these Cookies to gain insight into how our visitors use the Service. This means